Vol.13, No.3, August 2024.                                                                                                                                                                               ISSN: 2217-8309

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        eISSN: 2217-8333


TEM Journal



Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science

Eye-Style Model Using Intelligent Virtual Reality Technology to Promote Surgical Skill Accuracy


Mathuwan Srikong, Pallop Piriyasurawong


© 2024 Mathuwan Srikong, published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Citation Information: TEM Journal. Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 2376-2383, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-64, August 2024.


Received: 06 March 2024.

Revised:   18 June 2024.
Accepted: 01 July 2024.
Published: 27 August 2024.




This research developed an eye-style model using intelligent virtual reality technology to enhance the accuracy of surgical skills in residency training. We also assessed the impact of the eye-style model in improving these skills. The sample comprised seven specialists chosen through purposeful sampling (four ophthalmologists and three information and communications technology experts). An eye-style model evaluation form served as the research instrument. The arithmetic mean and standard deviation were used as the statistical metrics. The results demonstrated that the eye-style model enhanced surgical skill accuracy in residency programs. The model was divided into four components: (1) a requirements analysis study with five subcomponents (learning objectives, residency analysis, content analysis, learning activity planning, and simulations); (2) teaching methods, comprising an introduction, an instrument overview, parameter setting, a wet laboratory, and laboratory simulation; (3) an evaluation of the accuracy of surgical skills using intelligent virtual reality technology; and (4) an analysis of feedback. All seven specialists agreed that the eye-style model, which utilizes intelligent virtual reality technology, was highly effective and suitable for enhancing surgical skill accuracy in residency programs. This was indicated by the high average rating given by the specialists (mean = 4.71, standard deviation = 0.45).


Keywords – Mobile technology, instructor satisfaction, technology acceptance model (TAM), educational settingsAccuracy of surgical skills, intelligent technology, surgery simulation, virtual reality.



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Copyright © 2024 UIKTEN
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