Vol.13, No.3, August 2024.                                                                                                                                                                               ISSN: 2217-8309

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        eISSN: 2217-8333


TEM Journal



Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science

Virtual Reality and Gamification in Hospitality Education at Front Desk


Nurul Halimatul Asmak Ismail, Samer A. B. Awwad, Rajermani Thinakaran, Wei Boon Quah, Mohana Muniandy


© 2024 Rajermani Thinakaran, published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Citation Information: TEM Journal. Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 1973-1980, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-25, August 2024.


Received: 17 January 2024.

Revised:   09 May 2024.
Accepted: 06 July 2024.
Published: 27 August 2024.




Virtual reality (VR) is recognized as an intelligent and digital technology that has impacted numerous sectors and environments. VR in the classroom acts like a digital tool for the students and the teachers to achieve educational goals as it enhances understanding, critical thinking, visualization levels, and problem-solving skills. In addition, gamification as a motivational factor is integrated with VR. This study investigates the usage of VR and gamification in hospitality educational environment mainly at the front desk. This is to be beneficial to an individual's knowledge and abilities, which should be prioritized in the future, and that earlier experience should be given credit for future employability and education quality.


Keywords – Virtual reality, gamification, hospitality, education, front desk.



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