Title: Towards Big Data and Internet of Things as Key Aspects of Energy
Authors: Milko Marinov, Pavel Vitliemov, Elitsa Popova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-01
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Cite : Milko Marinov, Pavel Vitliemov, Elitsa Popova.(2017).Towards Big Data and Internet of Things as Key Aspects of Energy Efficiency.TEM Journal, 6(3), 427-435.
Title: Mathematical Model and Program for the Sizing of Counter-flow
Natural Draft Wet Cooling Towers
Authors: Ioana Opriș, Victor-Eduard Cenușă
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-02
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Cite : Ioana Opriș, Victor-Eduard Cenușă.(2017). Mathematical Model and Program for the Sizing of Counter-flow Natural Draft Wet Cooling Towers.TEM Journal, 6(3), 436-444.
Title: More Exact Approaches to Modernization and Renewal of the
Manufacturing Base
Authors: Naqib Daneshjo, Milan Majerník, Enayat Danishjoo
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-03
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Cite : Naqib Daneshjo, Milan Majerník, Enayat Danishjoo.(2017).More Exact Approaches to Modernization and Renewal of the Manufacturing Base .TEM Journal, 6(3),445-449.
Title: Interaction via Remote Controlling in Virtual Learning Environment
Authors: Hüseyin Aşkın Erdem, Semih Utku, Şen Çakır
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-04
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Cite : Hüseyin Aşkın Erdem, Semih Utku, Şen Çakır.(2017).Interaction via Remote Controlling in Virtual Learning Environment.TEM Journal, 6(3), 450-463.
Title: The Concept Framework of Structural Equation model of Mobile Cloud
Learning Acceptance for Higher Education Students in the 21st Century
Authors: Thanyatorn Amornkitpinyo, Pallop Piriyasurawong
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-05
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Cite : Thanyatorn Amornkitpinyo, Pallop Piriyasurawong.(2017).The Concept Framework of Structural Equation model of Mobile Cloud Learning Acceptance for Higher Education Students in the 21st Century.TEM Journal, 6(3), 464-468.
Title: ICT- The Educational Programs in Teaching Mathematics
Authors: Dance Sivakova, Jasminka Kochoska, Marija Ristevska,
Biljana Gramatkovski
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-06
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Cite : Dance Sivakova et al.(2017).ICT- The Educational Programs in Teaching Mathematics.TEM Journal,6(3),469-478.
Title: Design of an Accessible, Powered Myoelectrically Controlled Hand
Authors: Osman Onur Akirmak, Çağdaş Tatar, Ziya Gökalp Altun,
Yuriy Mishchenko
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-07
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Cite : Osman Onur Akirmak et al.(2017).Design of an Accessible, Powered Myoelectrically Controlled Hand Prosthesis.TEM Journal, 6(3), 479-483.
Title: Increasing the Efficiency of Automation of Production Processes by
Reporting the Parameters of the Parts’ Flow
Authors: Pancho Tomov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-08
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Cite : Pancho Tomov.(2017).Increasing the Efficiency of Automation of Production Processes by Reporting the Parameters of the Parts’ Flow.TEM Journal, 6(3), 484-487.
Title: User Experience of Interactive Assistive Courseware for Low Vision
Learners (AC4LV): Initial Round
Authors: Nurulnadwan Aziz, Ariffin Abdul Mutalib, Siti Mahfuzah Sarif
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-09
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Cite : Nurulnadwan Aziz, Ariffin Abdul Mutalib, Siti Mahfuzah Sarif.(2017).User Experience of Interactive Assistive Courseware for Low Vision Learners (AC4LV): Initial Round.TEM Journal, 6(3), 488-496.
Title: Association Rule Mining to Identify Critical Demographic Variables
Influencing the Degree of Burnout in A Regional Teaching Hospital
Authors: Yii-Ching Lee, Chih-Hsuan Huang, Yi-Chen Lin, Hsin-Hung Wu
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-10
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Cite : Yii-Ching Lee et al.(2017).Association Rule Mining to Identify Critical Demographic Variables Influencing the Degree of Burnout in A Regional Teaching Hospital.TEM Journal, 6(3), 497-502.
Title: Importance for Municipalities of Infrastructure Information Systems
in Turkey
Authors: Kamil KARATAS, Cemal BIYIK
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-11
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Cite : Kamil KARATAS, Cemal BIYIK.(2017).Importance for Municipalities of Infrastructure Information Systems in Turkey.TEM Journal, 6(3), 503-511.
Title: Developing a List and a Rubric of Interactive Open Education
Resources (OER) for Science Teacher Candidates of Diverse Students
Authors: Jiyoon Yoon
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-12
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Cite :Jiyoon Yoon.(2017).Developing a List and a Rubric of Interactive Open Education Resources (OER) for Science Teacher Candidates of Diverse Students.TEM Journal, 6(3), 512-524.
Title: The Modern Concept of Measuring Efficiency - Implementation
and Attitudes of BSC
Authors: Tomić Slavica, Komazec Ljubica, Jevtić Jelena
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-13
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Cite : Tomić Slavica, Komazec Ljubica, Jevtić Jelena.(2017).The Modern Concept of Measuring Efficiency - Implementation and Attitudes of BSC.TEM Journal, 6(3), 525-533.
Title: Risk Behaviour and Attachment of Adolescents in Lower Secondary Education in Slovakia
Authors: Michal Čerešník, Robert Tomšik, Miroslava Čerešníková
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-14
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Cite : Michal Čerešník, Robert Tomšik, Miroslava Čerešníková.(2017).Risk Behaviour and Attachment of Adolescents in Lower Secondary Education in Slovakia.TEM Journal, 6(3), 534_539.
Title: Application of Problem Teaching in Lower Grades of Primary Schools
and its Impact on the Improvement of Mathematical Knowledge of Students
Authors: Amina Delić-Zimić, Mensura Kudumović, Fatih Destović
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-15
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Cite : Amina Delić-Zimić, Mensura Kudumović, Fatih Destović.(2017).Application of Problem Teaching in Lower Grades of Primary Schools and its Impact on the Improvement of Mathematical Knowledge of Students.TEM Journal, 6(3), 540-549.
Title: Behaviour of Large Cylindrical Offshore Structures Subjected to
Wave Loads
Authors: Begüm Yurdanur DAĞLI, Muhammed Ensar Yiğit, Ümit GÖKKUŞ
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-16
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Cite : Begüm Yurdanur DAĞLI, Muhammed Ensar Yiğit, Ümit GÖKKUŞ.(2017).Behaviour of Large Cylindrical Offshore Structures Subjected to Wave Loads.TEM Journal, 6(3), 550-557.
Title: Measuring the Business Results in the Macedonian Companies
Authors: Elizabeta Mitreva, Nako Taskov, Oliver Filiposki, Ilija Lazarevski,
Vineta Srebrenkoska, Hristijan Gjorshevski
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-17
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Cite : Elizabeta Mitreva et al.(2017).Measuring the Business Results in the Macedonian Companies .TEM Journal, 6(3), 558_566.
Title: Software Support of Modelling using Ergonomic Tools in Engineering
Authors: Darina Dupláková, Lucia Knapčíková, Svetlana Radchenko, Michal Hatala
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-18
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Cite : Darina Dupláková et al.(2017).Software Support of Modelling using Ergonomic Tools in Engineering.TEM Journal, 6(3), 567_571.
Title: Optimization of Convective Drying of Apricots
Authors: Donka Ivanova, Nikolay Valov, Irena Valova, Darina Stefanova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-19
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Cite : Donka Ivanova et al.(2017).Optimization of Convective Drying of Apricots .TEM Journal, 6(3), 572_577.
Title: Investigating the Attitudes of Pre-service Teachers Towards
Technology Based on Various Variables
Authors: Sibel Suzek Birkollu, Yucehan Yucesoy, Basak Baglama, Sezer Kanbul
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-20
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Cite : Sibel Suzek Birkollu et al.(2017).Investigating the Attitudes of Pre-service Teachers Towards Technology Based on Various Variables.TEM Journal, 6(3), 578-583.
Title: Optimization of Cutting Conditions and Improvement of Production
in Economic Terms
Authors: Darina Matisková, Ľubomír Ambriško
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-21
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Cite : Darina Matisková, Ľubomír Ambriško.(2017).Optimization of Cutting Conditions and Improvement of Production in Economic Terms .TEM Journal, 6(3), 584-590.
Title: Entrepreneurial Curriculum through Digital-Age Learning in Higher
Education – A Process-based Model
Authors: Elena FLEACĂ
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-22
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Cite : Elena FLEACĂ.(2017).Entrepreneurial Curriculum through Digital-Age Learning in Higher Education – A Process-based Model.TEM Journal, 6(3), 591-598.
Title: Coding Education in a Flipped Classroom
Authors: Vasfi Tugun, Huseyin Uzunboylu, Fezile Ozdamli
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-23
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Cite : Vasfi Tugun, Huseyin Uzunboylu, Fezile Ozdamli.(2017).Coding Education in a Flipped Classroom.TEM Journal, 6(3), 599-606.
Title: The use of Social Networks for Educational Purposes - Case Study:
Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospic
Authors: Aleksandar Skendžić, Kristina Devčić
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-24
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Cite : Aleksandar Skendžić, Kristina Devčić.(2016).The use of Social Networks for Educational Purposes - Case Study: Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospic.TEM Journal, 6(3), 607-612.
Title: Creation of e-Courses in English for Students of Production
Authors: Marta Gluchmanova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-25
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Cite : Marta Gluchmanova.(2016).Creation of e-Courses in English for Students of Production Technology.TEM Journal, 6(3), 613-617.
Title: Mobile Network Operators as Banks – Opportunites and Threats
Authors: Suad Bećirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-26
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Cite : Suad Bećirović, Šemsudin Plojović, Enis Ujkanović.(2016).Mobile Network Operators as Banks – Opportunites and Threats.TEM Journal, 6(3), 618-628.
Title: Liquidity of Bosnia and Herzegovina Institutions and its Influence on
the Scope of Commercial Transactions with Small and Medium Sized
Authors: Emira Kozarević, Alisa Mustafagić, Amra Softić
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-27
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Cite : Emira Kozarević, Alisa Mustafagić, Amra Softić.(2017).Liquidity of Bosnia and Herzegovina Institutions and its Influence on the Scope of Commercial Transactions with Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.TEM Journal, 6(3), 629-636.
Title: Developing Materials for English for Specific Purposes Online Course
within the Blended Learning Concept
Authors: Rimma Bielousova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM63-28
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Cite : Rimma Bielousova.(2017).Developing Materials for English for Specific Purposes Online Course within the Blended Learning Concept.TEM Journal, 6(3), 637-642.