TEM Journal

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University of Regensburg

University Library of Regensburg



















Tem Journal, Vol.3, No.3, August 2014 :

Vol.3, No.1, 2014.


Title:         Study of Power Loss Reduction in SEPR Converters for Induction
                  Heating through Implementation of SiC Based Semiconductor

Authors:    Angel Marinov

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         The Application of Neural Networks in Balancing Production
                  of Crude Sunflower Oil and Meal

Authors:    Bojan Ivetic, Dragica Radosav

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         Loss-minimal Algorithmic Trading Based on Levy Processes
Authors:    Farhad Kia, Gábor Jeney, János Levendovszky

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         Intelligent Agent Based Traffic Signal Control
                  on Isolated Intersections

Authors:    Daniela Koltovska, Kristi Bombol

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         Prediction of Modal Shift Using Artificial Neural Networks
Authors:    Kadir Akgöl, Metin Mutlu Aydin, Özcan Asilkan, Banihan Günay

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         Polar Response of a Circular Piston
Authors:    Iliyan Iliev

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:        Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis for Predicting
                 the Airflow in a Data Centre

Authors:   Sevde Stavreva, Marko Serafimov

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:        An Approach for Designing a Complex Inductor –Workpiece system
                 for Induction Heating

Authors:   Borislav Dimitrov, Maik Streblau, Angel Marinov

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         More on Measuring the Overall Revealed Comparative Advantage

Authors:    Veselin Hadzhiev

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         The Impact of the Required Reserve on the Monetary Multiplication
                  in the Republic of Macedonias

Authors:    Aleksandar Dejanovski, Dori Pavloska Gorgioska

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |


Title:         How the use of Different Teaching and Learning Methodologies
                  Echoes in Learners: The Students’ Perspectives

Authors:    Simőes, Dora, Pinheiro, Margarida M., Amaral, Claudia

                                                                                | abstract| full text | cite |
