Title: Analysing Student Feedback on the Integration of 3D Printing in the Teaching of
Mammography for Radiologic Technologists
Authors: Kristina Bliznakova, Nikolay Dukov, Kalina Tsekova, Mariana Kupenova, Minko Milev, Zhivko Bliznakov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-01
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Cite : Kristina Bliznakova et al.(2024). Analysing Student Feedback on the Integration of 3D Printing in the Teaching of Mammography for Radiologic Technologists.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1735-1742.
Title: Glare Reduction of the Artificial Lighting System Using the Digital Software Solution
Authors: Darina Dupláková, Ján Duplák, Dejan Kojic, Patrik Sloboda
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-02
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Cite : Darina Dupláková, Ján Duplák, Dejan Kojic & Patrik Sloboda.(2024). Glare Reduction of the Artificial Lighting System Using the Digital Software Solution.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1743-1750.
Title: Implementation of Regenerative Brake System Controller by Using Mini Controller Arduino
Authors: Wawan Purwanto, Dani Hermanto, Ali Basah Pulungan, Padilah Hannum Simbolon, Yolana Nursyafti
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-03
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Cite : Wawan Purwanto et al.(2024). Implementation of Regenerative Brake System Controller by Using Mini Controller Arduino.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1751-1757.
Title: Digitization of the Virtual Reality Laboratory Through Photogrammetry Tools (SfM)
Authors: Petr Baron, Oleksandr Pivtorak, Ján Ivan
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-04
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Cite : Petr Baron, Oleksandr Pivtorak & Ján Ivan.(2024). Digitization of the Virtual Reality Laboratory Through Photogrammetry Tools (SfM).TEM Journal, 13(3), 1758-1769.
Title: Exhaust Gas Flow Study of Electric Turbo Compounding (ETC) to Determine the
Potential Electrical Energy Recovery from Exhaust Emission
Authors: Wagino Wagino, Donny Fernandez, Erzeddin Alwi, Dwi Sudarno Putra, Wanda Afnison,
Iffarial Nanda, Kathleen E. Padrigalan
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-05
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Cite : Wagino Wagino et al.(2024). Exhaust Gas Flow Study of Electric Turbo Compounding (ETC) to Determine the Potential Electrical Energy Recovery from Exhaust Emission.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1770-1778.
Title: Intelligent Solutions for Machine Tools Using System Sinumerik
Authors: Naqib Daneshjo, Peter Malega, Vladimír Rudy, Peter Korba
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-06
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Cite : Naqib Daneshjo, Peter Malega, Vladimír Rudy & Peter Korba.(2024). Intelligent Solutions for Machine Tools Using System Sinumerik.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1779-1785.
Title: Agent-Based Model for Situational Awareness in the Workplace: Enhancing Neural Networks
with Direct Feedback Alignment
Authors: Hareebin Yuttachai, Billel Arbaoui, Yusraw O-manee
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-07
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Cite : Hareebin Yuttachai, Billel Arbaoui & Yusraw O-manee.(2024). Agent-Based Model for Situational Awareness in the Workplace: Enhancing Neural Networks with Direct Feedback Alignment.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1786-1792.
Title: Systematic Review of Technology-Based STEM Education Research in the United States
Authors: Lijun Cheng, Riew Kinoshita
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-08
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Cite : Lijun Cheng & Riew Kinoshita.(2024). Systematic Review of Technology-Based STEM Education Research in the United States.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1793-1804.
Title: Neural Network Model for Predicting Progression of Disease
Authors: Zvezdan Stojanović, Elvir Čajić, Dario Galić
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-09
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Cite : Zvezdan Stojanović, Elvir Čajić, Dario Galić.(2024). Neural Network Model for Predicting Progression of Disease.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1805-1812.
Title: Evaluating Handwritten Character Recognition with Hu Moments and K-Nearest
Neighbors Algorithm
Authors: Bojan Despodov, Done Stojanov, Cveta Martinovska Bande
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-10
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Cite : Bojan Despodov, Done Stojanov & Cveta Martinovska Bande.(2024). Evaluating Handwritten Character Recognition with Hu Moments and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1813-1824.
Title: Chatbots and Citizen Satisfaction: Examining the Role of Trust in AI-Chatbots
as a Moderating Variable
Authors: Ouissale El Gharbaoui, Hayat El boukhari, Abdelkader Salmi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-11
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Cite : Ouissale El Gharbaoui, Hayat El boukhari & Abdelkader Salmi.(2024). Chatbots and Citizen Satisfaction: Examining the Role of Trust in AI-Chatbots as a Moderating Variable.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1825-1836.
Title: Mobile Web Application for Durian Orchard Management and Geospatial
Data Visualization Using Deep Learning
Authors: Supattra Puttinaovarat, Aekarat Saeliw, Jinda Kongcharoen, Siwipa Pruitikanee,
Pimlaphat Pengthorn, Athicha Ketkaew, Kanit Khaimook
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-12
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Cite :Supattra Puttinaovaratet al.(2024). Mobile Web Application for Durian Orchard Management and Geospatial Data Visualization Using Deep Learning.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1837-1848.
Title: Optimizing Plant Watering Efficiency via IoT: Fuzzy Sugeno Method with ESP8266 Microcontroller
Authors: Ben Rahman, Teddy Mantoro, Septi Andryana, Satrio Bagus Wicaksono
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-13
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Cite : Ben Rahman, Teddy Mantoro, Septi Andryana & Satrio Bagus Wicaksono.(2024). Optimizing Plant Watering Efficiency via IoT: Fuzzy Sugeno Method with ESP8266 Microcontroller.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1849-1857.
Title: Preparing the Electrical Signal Data of the Heart by Performing Segmentation Based
on the Neural Network U-Net
Authors: Qaswaa Khaled Abood, Ruaa Sadoon Salman
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-14
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Cite : Qaswaa Khaled Abood & Ruaa Sadoon Salman.(2024). Preparing the Electrical Signal Data of the Heart by Performing Segmentation Based on the Neural Network U-Net.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1858-1870.
Title: Mobile App Prototype Supporting People With Special Needs
Authors: Tihomir Stefanov, Silviya Varbanova, Milena Stefanova, Iliyan Alinski
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-15
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Cite : Tihomir Stefanov, Silviya Varbanova, Milena Stefanova & Iliyan Alinski.(2024). Mobile App Prototype Supporting People With Special Needs.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1871-1880.
Title: In-Memory Perturbation Optimizer Algorithm for Data Privacy on an Anonymous Server
Authors: Jaroonsak Chaiprasitjinda, Chetneti Srisaan
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-16
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Cite : Jaroonsak Chaiprasitjinda & Chetneti Srisaan.(2024). In-Memory Perturbation Optimizer Algorithm for Data Privacy on an Anonymous Server.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1881-1888.
Title: Incorporating Functional Quality into Usability Model of E-Commerce Application
Authors: Hotma Antoni Hutahaean, Arfi Ruwaida, Ni Luh Saddhwi Saraswati Adnyani,
Rajesri Govindaraju, Iman Sudirman
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-17
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Cite : Hotma Antoni Hutahaean et al.(2024). Incorporating Functional Quality into Usability Model of E-Commerce Application.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1889-1904.
Title: Cryptocurrencies Collapse – Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Applications for Countering
Coin Value Fluctuations in the Crypto Market
Authors: Iskren Tairov, Nadezhda Stefanova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-18
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Cite : Iskren Tairov & Nadezhda Stefanova.(2024). Cryptocurrencies Collapse – Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Applications for Countering Coin Value Fluctuations in the Crypto Market.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1905-1915.
Title: Development of Numeracy Problems Based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
to Measure Critical Thinking Ability
Authors: Dian Kurniati, Intan Wahyuna, Dhanar Dwi, Percy Sepeng, Sharifah Osman
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-19
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Cite : Dian Kurniati, Intan Wahyuna, Dhanar Dwi, Percy Sepeng & Sharifah Osman.(2024). Development of Numeracy Problems Based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to Measure Critical Thinking Ability.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1916-1926.
Title: Enhancing Customer Churn Prediction With Resampling: A Comparative Study
Authors: Jia-Xuan Ong, Gee-Kok Tong, Kok-Chin Khor, Su-Cheng Haw
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-20
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Cite : Jia-Xuan Ong, Gee-Kok Tong, Kok-Chin Khor & Su-Cheng Haw.(2024). Enhancing Customer Churn Prediction With Resampling: A Comparative Study.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1927-1936.
Title: Development of an Integrated Information System for Lecturer Performance Management
Authors: Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya, Wisnu Rayhan Adhitya, Sriadhi Sriadhi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-21
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Cite : Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya, Wisnu Rayhan Adhitya & Sriadhi Sriadhi.(2024). Development of an Integrated Information System for Lecturer Performance Management.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1937-1944.
Title: Predicting Tourist Arrivals: A Google Trends-Based Model for Destination Management
Authors: Tsvetanka Georgieva-Trifonova, Olga Mancheva-Ali
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-22
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Cite : Tsvetanka Georgieva-Trifonova & Olga Mancheva-Ali.(2024). Predicting Tourist Arrivals: A Google Trends-Based Model for Destination Management.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1945-1951.
Title: Virtual Cloud Computing Lab: A Way for MSMEs in Increasing Firm Performance
Authors: Heny Kusdiyanti, Indra Febrianto, Rully Aprilia Zandra, Robby Wijaya, Umniyah Juman Rosyidah,
Nawang Kalbuana
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-23
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Cite : Heny Kusdiyanti et al.(2024). Virtual Cloud Computing Lab: A Way for MSMEs in Increasing Firm Performance.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1952-1961.
Title: Analysis of Social Intelligence, Personality Characteristics and Machiavellian Manifestations
in Business Behaviour
Authors: Anna Tomková, Eva Benková, Juraj Tej
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-24
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Cite : Anna Tomková, Eva Benková & Juraj Tej.(2024). Analysis of Social Intelligence, Personality Characteristics and Machiavellian Manifestations in Business Behaviour.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1962-1972.
Title: Virtual Reality and Gamification in Hospitality Education at Front Desk
Authors: Nurul Halimatul Asmak Ismail, Samer A. B. Awwad, Rajermani Thinakaran, Wei Boon Quah,
Mohana Muniandy
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-25
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Cite : Nurul Halimatul Asmak Ismail et al.(2024). Virtual Reality and Gamification in Hospitality Education at Front Desk.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1973-1980.
Title: Development of Digital Learning Simulators to Increase Vocational Students' Prior Knowledge
Authors: Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah, Supardji Supardji, I Wayan Susila
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-26
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Cite : Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah, Supardji Supardji & I Wayan Susila.(2024). Development of Digital Learning Simulators to Increase Vocational Students' Prior Knowledge.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1981-1988.
Title: A Research on the Application of Modern Information Technologies in Teaching
Authors: Radoslava Topalska
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-27
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Cite : Radoslava Topalska.(2024). A Research on the Application of Modern Information Technologies in Teaching.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1989-1996.
Title: Digital Entrepreneurship Research for Learning and Teaching in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis
Authors: Rahmat Fadillah, Ganefri Ganefri, Asmar Yulastri, Afdal Luthfi, Hendra Hidayat,
Agariadne Dwinggo Samala, Soha Rawas
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-28
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Cite : Rahmat Fadillah et al.(2024). Digital Entrepreneurship Research for Learning and Teaching in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis.TEM Journal, 13(3), 1997-2011.
Title: The Role of Housewives in the Management of Household Finances
Authors: María de los Ángeles García-Aquino, Aylin del Rosario Lagúnes-Hernández, Arturo García-Santillán
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-29
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Cite : María de los Ángeles García-Aquino, Aylin del Rosario Lagúnes-Hernández & Arturo García-Santillán.(2024). The Role of Housewives in the Management of Household Finances.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2012-2024.
Title: Enhancing Accessibility: A Heuristic Evaluation of Social Presence Interface Design
for E-Resources in University Libraries
Authors: Yuli Rohmiyati, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Noraidah Sahari, Siti Aishah Hanawi, Satria Abadi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-30
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Cite : Yuli Rohmiyati et al.(2024). Enhancing Accessibility: A Heuristic Evaluation of Social Presence Interface Design for E-Resources in University Libraries.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2025-2035.
Title: Librarian Expertise, Responsiveness, and Virtual Reference Service Quality:
Do Communication Channels Matter?
Authors: Imas Maesaroh, Gaby Haddow, Nur Kholis, Abdul Mujib
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-31
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Cite : Imas Maesaroh, Gaby Haddow, Nur Kholis & Abdul Mujib.(2024). Librarian Expertise, Responsiveness, and Virtual Reference Service Quality: Do Communication Channels Matter?.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2036-2045.
Title: Students’ Attitude Towards Learning of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and
Their Professors
Authors: Mirjana Kocaleva Vitanova, Elena Karamazova Gelova, Zoran Zlatev, Biljana Zlatanovska
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-32
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Cite : Mirjana Kocaleva Vitanova, Elena Karamazova Gelova, Zoran Zlatev & Biljana Zlatanovska.(2024). Students’ Attitude Towards Learning of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Their Professors.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2046-2053.
Title: Teaching Mathematics Through Project-Based Learning in K-12 Schools:
A Systematic Review of Current Practices, Barriers, and Future Developments
Authors: Hang Thi My Nguyen, Giang Thi Chau Nguyen, Lam Thi Hong Thai, Dung Thi Truong, Bich Ngoc Nguyen
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-33
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Cite : Hang Thị My Nguyen et al.(2024). Teaching Mathematics Through Project-Based Learning in K-12 Schools: A Systematic Review of Current Practices, Barriers, and Future Developments.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2054-2065.
Title: Personal Finance Management Application
Authors: Tihomir Stefanov, Milena Stefanova, Silviya Varbanova, Stanislav Temelkov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-34
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Cite : Tihomir Stefanov, Milena Stefanova, Silviya Varbanova & Stanislav Temelkov.(2024). Personal Finance Management Application.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2066-2075.
Title: Critical Success Factors of Electric Mobility Transition in Indonesia:
A DEMATEL-Based ANP Approach
Authors: Shafira Arindra Putri, Romadhani Ardi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-35
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Cite : Shafira Arindra Putri & Romadhani Ardi.(2024). Critical Success Factors of Electric Mobility Transition in Indonesia: A DEMATEL-Based ANP Approach.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2076-2089.
Title: Job Attractiveness and Distance as Predictors of Willingness to Move
Authors: Alice Reissová, Eliška Nacházelová, David Cihlář
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-36
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Cite : Alice Reissová, Eliška Nacházelová & David Cihlář.(2024). Job Attractiveness and Distance as Predictors of Willingness to Move.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2090-2096.
Title: Utilizing Games to Enhance the Learning of Students with Dyslexia:
A Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Rooselyna Ekawati, Wasis Wasis, Ali Shodikin, Shofan Fiangga, Jian-Cheng Chen
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-37
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Cite : Rooselyna Ekawati et al.(2024). Utilizing Games to Enhance the Learning of Students with Dyslexia: A Systematic Literature Review.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2097-2106.
Title: Career Adaptability and Career Success of Lecturers: The Mediating Role of Adaptive
Professional Development
Authors: Wita Farla, Badia Perizade, Zunaidah Zunaidah, Isni Andriana
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-38
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Cite : Wita Farla, Badia Perizade, Zunaidah Zunaidah & Isni Andriana.(2024). Career Adaptability and Career Success of Lecturers: The Mediating Role of Adaptive Professional Development.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2107-2114.
Title: Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem: A Model for Secondary Schools in Hanoi, Vietnam
Authors: Do Hong Cuong, Pham Ngoc Son, Dinh Thi Kim Thuong, Nguyen Vu Bich Hien, Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-39
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Cite : Do Hong Cuong et al.(2024). Building an Innovative Learning Ecosystem: A Model for Secondary Schools in Hanoi, Vietnam.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2115-2126.
Title: Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning to Develop Mathematical Competencies
at the Postgraduate Level
Authors: Edgar O. Cardoso-Espinosa, Jésica A. Cortes-Ruiz, Ma. E. Zepeda-Hurtado
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-40
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Cite : Edgar O. Cardoso-Espinosa, Jésica A. Cortes-Ruiz & Ma. E. Zepeda-Hurtado.(2024). Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning to Develop Mathematical Competencies at the Postgraduate Level.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2127-2132.
Title: The Impact of Interactivity on Customer Purchase Intention in Social Media Marketing:
The Mediating Role of Social Presence
Authors: Yuanyuan Jiang, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp, Pimlapas Pongsakornrungsilp, Long Li
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-41
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Cite : Yuanyuan Jiang, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp, Pimlapas Pongsakornrungsilp & Long Li.(2024). The Impact of Interactivity on Customer Purchase Intention in Social Media Marketing: The Mediating Role of Social Presence.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2133-2145.
Title: Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Management Systems for Businesses:
A Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Sunaina Thakuri, Massimo Bon, Nadire Cavus, Nuriye Sancar
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-42
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Cite : Sunaina Thakuri, Massimo Bon, Nadire Cavus & Nuriye Sancar.(2024). Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Management Systems for Businesses: A Systematic Literature Review.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2146-2155.
Title: From Likes to Buys: Unveiling the Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer
Behavior and Market Dynamics
Authors: Agariadne Dwinggo Samala, Soha Rawas
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-43
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Cite : Agariadne Dwinggo Samala & Soha Rawas.(2024). From Likes to Buys: Unveiling the Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Behavior and Market Dynamics.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2156-2161.
Title: Unveiling Socio-Demographic Profile of Rally Attendees in Rural and Depopulating Areas
Authors: José E. Ramos-Ruiz, Miguel Á. Solano-Sánchez, Minerva Aguilar-Rivero, Lucía Castaño-Prieto
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-44
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Cite : José E. Ramos-Ruiz, Miguel Á. Solano-Sánchez, Minerva Aguilar-Rivero & Lucía Castaño-Prieto.(2024). Unveiling Socio-Demographic Profile of Rally Attendees in Rural and Depopulating Areas.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2162-2176.
Title: The Principal's Managerial Influence on Mover Teachers in the Implementation of the
Independent Curriculum
Authors: Arten Mobonggi, Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula, Fatimah Djafar, Febrianto Hakeu, Ana Mariana
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-45
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Cite : Arten Mobonggi et al.(2024). The Principal's Managerial Influence on Mover Teachers in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2177-2185.
Title: Analysis of Instruments for Implementing Intelligent Job Matching Models
Authors: Geovanne Farell, Rido Wahyudi, Igor Novid, Delsina Faiza, Sartika Anori
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-46
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Cite : Geovanne Farell, Rido Wahyudi, Igor Novid, Delsina Faiza & Sartika Anori.(2024). Analysis of Instruments for Implementing Intelligent Job Matching Models.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2186-2194.
Title: Teachers' Digital Competencies: Diagnosis and Development in the Context of the Teacher21 Model
Authors: Petr Svoboda
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-47
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Cite : Petr Svoboda.(2024). Teachers' Digital Competencies: Diagnosis and Development in the Context of the Teacher21 Model.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2195-2207.
Title: The Impact of Social Media and Emotional Intelligence on Investment Decision:
A Fuzzy Set Delphi Study Among Investors in Thailand's Stock Market
Authors: Rattanaporn Saelee, Sumaman Pankham
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-48
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Cite : Rattanaporn Saelee & Sumaman Pankham.(2024). The Impact of Social Media and Emotional Intelligence on Investment Decision: A Fuzzy Set Delphi Study Among Investors in Thailand's Stock Market.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2208-2217.
Title: Development of a Utility Vehicle Express System Framework Using Design Thinking Process
for the Province of Albay
Authors: Emmanuel Isaiah Z. Detera, Ibrahim F. Hanbal
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-49
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Cite : Emmanuel Isaiah Z. Detera & Ibrahim F. Hanbal.(2024). Development of a Utility Vehicle Express System Framework Using Design Thinking Process for the Province of Albay.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2218-2225.
Title: Aligning Principal Leadership and Teacher Roles with the Demographic Bonus Towards
Golden Indonesia 2045: The Case Study of a Vocational High School
Authors: Badawi Badawi, Muhammad Hakiki, Sahroni Sahroni, Agung Prihatmojo, Yayuk Hidayah
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-50
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Cite : Badawi Badawi, Muhammad Hakiki, Sahroni Sahroni, Agung Prihatmojo & Yayuk Hidayah.(2024). Aligning Principal Leadership and Teacher Roles with the Demographic Bonus Towards Golden Indonesia 2045: The Case Study of a Vocational High School.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2226-2236.
Title: Employing Elements of Virtual Reality to Enhance Social Skills Among Children With
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Quasi Experimental Study
Authors: Reham Abdullah, Mayada Alrige, Hind Bitar
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-51
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Cite :Reham Abdullah, Mayada Alrige & Hind Bitar.(2024). Employing Elements of Virtual Reality to Enhance Social Skills Among Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Quasi Experimental Study.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2237-2248.
Title: Exploring the Cultural Fabric: A Study on Indonesia’s Unique Architectural Marvels
for Ethno-STEAM Education System
Authors: Nadi Suprapto, Iqbal Ainur Rizki, Abd Kholiq
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-52
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Cite : Nadi Suprapto, Iqbal Ainur Rizki & Abd Kholiq.(2024). Exploring the Cultural Fabric: A Study on Indonesia’s Unique Architectural Marvels for Ethno-STEAM Education System.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2249-2255.
Title: Developing An Engaging Computerized Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adolescent Depression
Authors: Atifah Marzuki, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Wan Salwina Wan Ismail
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-53
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Cite : Atifah Marzuki, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook & Wan Salwina Wan Ismail.(2024). Developing An Engaging Computerized Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Adolescent Depression.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2256-2266.
Title: Changes in Mathematics Teacher Training in Colombia
Authors: Carlos Arturo Mirquez Nuñez, María Josefa Rodríguez Baiget, Alexander Maz-Machado,
Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-54
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Cite : Carlos Arturo Mirquez Nuñez, María Josefa Rodríguez Baiget, Alexander Maz-Machado & Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz.(2024). Changes in Mathematics Teacher Training in Colombia.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2267-2275.
Title: Private University Students' Perspectives on Happy School: Building a 3P Plus Model
Based on the UNESCO 3P Model
Authors: Ngan Thanh Thi Nguyen, Trong Luan Nguyen, Loc Ba Tran
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-55
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Cite : Ngan Thanh Thi Nguyen, Trong Luan Nguyen & Loc Ba Tran.(2024). Private University Students' Perspectives on Happy School: Building a 3P Plus Model Based on the UNESCO 3P Model.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2276-2284.
Title: Building a Graphical Modelling Language for Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Schema
Configuration: HomoLang
Authors: Samar Amil Qassir
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-56
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Cite : Samar Amil Qassir.(2024). Building a Graphical Modelling Language for Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Schema Configuration: HomoLang.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2285-2296.
Title: Impact of State Intervention During the Pandemic Crisis on the Implementation of
Nanotechnological Innovations in the Czech Republic
Authors: David Svoboda, Jiří Kraft, Julie Holendova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-57
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Cite : David Svoboda, Jiří Kraft & Julie Holendova.(2024). Impact of State Intervention During the Pandemic Crisis on the Implementation of Nanotechnological Innovations in the Czech Republic.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2297-2309.
Title: The Influence of Augmented Reality Mobile App on Electronics Engineering
Students' Self-Competence
Authors: Hendra Hidayat, Jem Cloyd M. Tanucan, Dani Harmanto, Fitrika Kumala Dewi, Ika Parma Dewi,
Sartika Anori, Winda Agustiarmi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-58
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Cite : Hendra Hidayat, Jem Cloyd M. Tanucan, Dani Harmanto, Fitrika Kumala Dewi, Ika Parma Dewi, Sartika Anori & Winda Agustiarmi.(2024). The Influence of Augmented Reality Mobile App on Electronics Engineering Students' Self-Competence.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2310-2318.
Title: Student's Priorities When Selecting Web Conferencing Tools in Sri Lankan Tertiary Education
Authors: Rannulu Lakmali De Zoysa, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Rushan Abeygunawardane
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-59
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Cite : Rannulu Lakmali De Zoysa, Lubna Ali Mohammed & Rushan Abeygunawardane.(2024). Student's Priorities When Selecting Web Conferencing Tools in Sri Lankan Tertiary Education.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2319-2326.
Title: Development of a Low-Cost Data Acquisition System for Analyzing the Health
of a Photovoltaic System
Authors: Guy M. Toche Tchio, Joseph Kenfack, Joseph Voufo, Yves Abessolo Mindzie,
Francis-Daniel Menga, Sanoussi S. Ouro-Djobo
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-60
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Cite : Guy M. Toche Tchio et al.(2024). Development of a Low-Cost Data Acquisition System for Analyzing the Health of a Photovoltaic System.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2327-2340.
Title: Low-Complexity and Secure Clustering-Based Similarity Detection for Private Files
Authors: Duaa Fadhel Najem, Nagham Abdulrasool Taha, Zaid Ameen Abduljabbar,
Vincent Omollo Nyangaresi, Junchao Ma, Dhafer G. Honi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-61
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Cite : Duaa Fadhel Najem et al.(2024). Low-Complexity and Secure Clustering-Based Similarity Detection for Private Files.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2341-2349.
Title: Geographical Creative Thinking Ability (GCTA) of Students in the Diamond Panning
Cempaka Area Banjarbaru
Authors: Sarifah Triana, Sugeng Utaya, Hadi Soekamto
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-62
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Cite : Sarifah Triana & Sugeng Utaya, Hadi Soekamto.(2024). Geographical Creative Thinking Ability (GCTA) of Students in the Diamond Panning Cempaka Area Banjarbaru.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2350-2364.
Title: Unveiling the Nexus: Exploring TAM Components Influencing Professors' Satisfaction
With Smartphone Integration in Lectures: A Case Study From Oman
Authors: Boumedyen Shannaq
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-63
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Cite : Boumedyen Shannaq.(2024). Unveiling the Nexus: Exploring TAM Components Influencing Professors' Satisfaction With Smartphone Integration in Lectures: A Case Study From Oman.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2365-2375.
Title: Eye-Style Model Using Intelligent Virtual Reality Technology to Promote Surgical Skill Accuracy
Authors: Mathuwan Srikong, Pallop Piriyasurawong
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-64
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Cite : Mathuwan Srikong & Pallop Piriyasurawong.(2024). Eye-Style Model Using Intelligent Virtual Reality Technology to Promote Surgical Skill Accuracy.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2376-2383.
Title: Revolutionizing Learning: Unleashing the Power of Technology Gamification-Augmented Reality
in Vocational Education
Authors: Rizky Ema Wulansari, Aprilla Fortuna, Rizkayeni Marta, Primawati Primawati, Alias Masek,
Deniz Kaya, Febri Prasetya, Rizki Hardian Sakti, Afdal Luthfi, Iqbal Ainur Rizki,
Fadilah Habibul Hasna, Sarvin Eshaghi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-65
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Cite : Rizky Ema Wulansari et al.(2024). Revolutionizing Learning: Unleashing the Power of Technology Gamification-Augmented Reality in Vocational Education.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2384-2397.
Title: Educational Motivation Through the Prism of Practical Experience
Authors: Olga Mancheva-Ali, Tsvetanka Georgieva-Trifonova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-66
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Cite : Olga Mancheva-Ali & Tsvetanka Georgieva-Trifonova.(2024). Educational Motivation Through the Prism of Practical Experience.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2398-2405,.
Title: Perceptions and Attitudes of Supervisors Toward Students’ Internship in the Virtual Environment at
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek
Authors: Anita Papić, Vesna Bjedov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-67
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Cite :Anita Papić & Vesna Bjedov.(2024).Perceptions and Attitudes of Supervisors Toward Students’ Internship in the Virtual Environment at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2406-2412.
Title: Mathematics as Brain Training
Authors: Viliam Ďuriš, Timotej Šumný, Veronika Bojdová, Tomáš Lengyelfalusy
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-68
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Cite : Viliam Ďuriš, Timotej Šumný, Veronika Bojdová & Tomáš Lengyelfalusy.(2024). Mathematics as Brain Training.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2413-2417.
Title: Entrepreneurship Project-Based Practical Learning Model: Development and Implementation
Authors: Syaiful Haq, Nizwardi Jalinus, Muhammad Giatman
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-69
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Cite : Syaiful Haq, Nizwardi Jalinus & Muhammad Giatman.(2024). Entrepreneurship Project-Based Practical Learning Model: Development and Implementation.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2418-2428.
Title: Agro-Fiber Based Composites With Use in Automotive Industry
Authors: Zuzana Mitaľová, Juliána Litecká, Ján Duplák
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-70
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Cite : Zuzana Mitaľová, Juliána Litecká & Ján Duplák.(2024). Agro-Fiber Based Composites With Use in Automotive Industry.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2429-2435.
Title: Harmony in Education: An In-Depth Exploration of Indonesian Academic Landscape, Challenges,
and Prospects Towards the Golden Generation 2045 Vision
Authors: Agariadne Dwinggo Samala, Soha Rawas, Santiago Criollo-C, Olha Bondarenko,
Abelriadne Gentarefori Samala, Dony Novaliendry
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-71
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Cite : Agariadne Dwinggo Samala et al.(2024). Harmony in Education: An In-Depth Exploration of Indonesian Academic Landscape, Challenges, and Prospects Towards the Golden Generation 2045 Vision.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2436-2456.
Title: Determinants of Earning Management: The Case of Moroccan Companies
Authors: Youssef Jouali, Sara El Aboudi, Jamila Jouali
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-72
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Cite : Youssef Jouali, Sara El Aboudi & Jamila Jouali.(2024). Determinants of Earning Management: The Case of Moroccan Companies.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2457-2467.
Title: Development of a Methodological Approach for Risk Assessment and Management in the
Development of a Project Roadmap: Using the Example of a Roadmap for the Development of
Wholesale Food Markets
Authors: Liliia Matraeva, Ekaterina Vasiutina, Olga Kaurova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-73
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Cite : Liliia Matraeva, Ekaterina Vasiutina & Olga Kaurova.(2024). Development of a Methodological Approach for Risk Assessment and Management in the Development of a Project Roadmap: Using the Example of a Roadmap for the Development of Wholesale Food Markets.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2468-2482.
Title: Designing Test Software for Pre-Learning Evaluation to Optimize the Differentiated Learning
Authors: Slamet Maulana, Ani Rusilowati, Sunyoto Eko Nugroho, Endang Susilaningsih
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-74
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Cite : Slamet Maulana, Ani Rusilowati, Sunyoto Eko Nugroho & Endang Susilaningsih.(2024). Designing Test Software for Pre-Learning Evaluation to Optimize the Differentiated Learning.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2483-2492.
Title: Design and Implementation of Audiovisual Resources to Support the Differential Equations
Blended Learning Course
Authors: Noemí Lizárraga Osuna, Marlene Zamora Machado, Jesús Rigoberto Herrera García,
Rosa Citlalli Anguiano Cota, Norma Alicia Barboza Tello, Paul Medina Castro, Jesus Omar Inzunza Castro
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-75
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Cite : Noemí Lizárraga Osuna et al.(2024). Design and Implementation of Audiovisual Resources to Support the Differential Equations Blended Learning Course.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2493-2501.
Title: The Impact of Dynamic Surrender on Guarantees and Options in Life Insurance
Authors: Silvia Zelinová, Tatiana Šoltésová, Katarína Sakálová, Mária Kamenárová
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-76
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Cite : Silvia Zelinová, Tatiana Šoltésová, Katarína Sakálová & Mária Kamenárová.(2024). The Impact of Dynamic Surrender on Guarantees and Options in Life Insurance.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2502-2511.
Title: Method of Evaluation of the TETRA Standard Data Transmission Channel for Ensuring Information
Security of the Railway Transport System
Authors: Kanibek Sansyzbay, Yelena Bakhtiyarova, Teodor Iliev, Laura Tasbolatova, Daniyar Sagmedinov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-77
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Cite : Kanibek Sansyzbay et al.(2024). Method of Evaluation of the TETRA Standard Data Transmission Channel for Ensuring Information Security of the Railway Transport System.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2512-2521.
Title: Enhancing Digital Learning in Electrical Machines Practical Course Using a Cutting-Edge
Desktop Virtual Laboratory for DC Motor Simulation
Authors: Rohjai Badarudin, Didik Hariyanto, Edy Supriyadi, Istanto Wahyu Djatmiko,
Amelia Fauziah Husna, Gulzhaina K. Kassymova, Yanning Lu
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-78
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Cite : Rohjai Badarudin et al.(2024). Enhancing Digital Learning in Electrical Machines Practical Course Using a Cutting-Edge Desktop Virtual Laboratory for DC Motor Simulation.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2522-2533.
Title: Application of the One-Parameter Rasch Model to Quality Education Through Evaluation
and Survey Analysis
Authors: Boryana Uzunova-Dimitrova, Stanimir Zhelezov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-79
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Cite : Boryana Uzunova-Dimitrova & Stanimir Zhelezov.(2024). Application of the One-Parameter Rasch Model to Quality Education Through Evaluation and Survey Analysis.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2534-2543.
Title: Impacts of Workload on Teachers’ Well-Being: A Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Nur Yuhainis Ab. Wahab, Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman, Hanifah Mahat, Norlaile Salleh Hudin,
Mohamad Rohieszan Ramdan, Mohd Norullah Ab Razak, Nor Nasriah Mohd Yadi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-80
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Cite : Nur Yuhainis Ab. Wahab et al.(2024). Impacts of Workload on Teachers’ Well-Being: A Systematic Literature Review.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2544-2556.
Title: Serious Video Game to Improve the Learning of Software Design Patterns
Authors: Alan R. L. Loyola Alvarez, Segundo E. Cieza-Mostacero
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-81
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Cite : Alan R. L. Loyola Alvarez & Segundo E. Cieza-Mostacero.(2024). Serious Video Game to Improve the Learning of Software Design Patterns.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2557-2567.
Title: Development of Integrated Physics Learning Tools in Virtual Laboratory Platform:
Its Implementation through the POGIL Strategy in Indonesian Frontier Areas
Authors: Irfan Yusuf, Punaji Setyosari, Dedi Kuswandi, Saida Ulfa
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-82
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Cite : Irfan Yusuf, Punaji Setyosari, Dedi Kuswandi & Saida Ulfa.(2024). Development of Integrated Physics Learning Tools in Virtual Laboratory Platform: Its Implementation through the POGIL Strategy in Indonesian Frontier Areas.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2568-2580.
Title: Web Application Based on Neural Networks for the Detection of Students at Risk
of Academic Desertion
Authors: Manuel S. Asto-Lazaro, Segundo E. Cieza-Mostacero
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-83
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Cite : Manuel S. Asto-Lazaro & Segundo E. Cieza-Mostacero.(2024). Web Application Based on Neural Networks for the Detection of Students at Risk of Academic Desertion.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2581-2592.
Title: Effects of the Use of a Therapeutic Videogame to Enhance the Treatment of Women with
Perinatal Depression
Authors: Martin J.P. Ruiz-Rodriguez, Segundo E. Cieza-Mostacero
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-84
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Cite : Martin J.P. Ruiz-Rodriguez & Segundo E. Cieza-Mostacero.(2024). Effects of the Use of a Therapeutic Videogame to Enhance the Treatment of Women with Perinatal Depression.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2593-2602.
Title: CODS: Carbon Monoxide Pollution Detection and Monitoring System Based on
The Internet of Things Towards Urban Health Enhancement
Authors: Muhammad Yusro, Aodah Diamah, Setia Budi, Ibnuh Sakti, Agung Pangestu,
Rosyid Ridlo Al-Hakim, Ari Apriyansa
DOI: 10.18421/TEM133-85
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Cite : Muhammad Yusro et al.(2024). CODS: Carbon Monoxide Pollution Detection and Monitoring System Based on The Internet of Things Towards Urban Health Enhancement.TEM Journal, 13(3), 2603-2614.