Title: Implementation of Digital Ergonomic Tools during the Flexible Screening of Lighting in
the Working Environment
Authors: Darina Dupláková, Ján Duplák, Vladimír Simkulet, Dejan Kojic
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-01
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Cite : Darina Dupláková, Ján Duplák, Vladimír Simkulet, Dejan Kojic.(2022).Implementation of Digital Ergonomic Tools during the Flexible Screening of Lighting in the Working Environment.TEM Journal, 11(3), 995-1001.
Title: Methodology for Measuring the Impact Force of Compaction Rammers
Authors: Aleksandar Ivanov, Mihaela Ivanova, Tsvetelina Georgieva
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-02
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Cite : Aleksandar Ivanov, Mihaela Ivanova, Tsvetelina Georgieva.(2022).Methodology for Measuring the Impact Force of Compaction Rammers.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1002-1006.
Title: A Look at Doctoral Theses in Mathematics Education at Andalusian Universities
(2010-2020) from a Gender Perspective
Authors: Alexander Maz-Machado, David Gutiérrez-Rubio, María José Madrid, Cristina Pedrosa-Jesús
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-03
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Cite : Alexander Maz-Machado et al .(2022).A Look at Doctoral Theses in Mathematics Education at Andalusian Universities (2010-2020) from a Gender Perspective.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1007-1012.
Title: Augmented Reality Fraction Apps for Low Vision Alpha Generation Based on
Affective Design Principles
Authors: Nurulnadwan Aziz, Siti Zulaiha Ahmad, Wan Rahzihan Zulnasyreeq Wan A Rahman,
Ahmad Affandi Supli, Fatimah Nur Mohd Redzwan
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-04
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Cite : Nurulnadwan Aziz et al.(2022).Augmented Reality Fraction Apps for Low Vision Alpha Generation Based on Affective Design Principles.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1013-1019.
Title: Selected Aspects of Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized
Construction Enterprises-Strategic Management View
Authors: Jana Betáková, Małgorzata Okręglicka, Zuzana Chodasova, Daniela Maťovčíková,
Gabriela Gabrhelová
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-05
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Cite : Jana Betáková et al.(2022).Selected Aspects of Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Construction Enterprises-Strategic Management View.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1020-1027.
Title: Implementation and Analysis of Fuzzy Mamdani Logic Algorithm from Digital
Platform and Electronic Resource
Authors: H Herpratiwi, M Maftuh, Winci Firdaus, Ahmad Tohir, Musnar Indra Daulay, Robbi Rahim
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-06
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Cite :H Herpratiwi et al.(2022).Implementation and Analysis of Fuzzy Mamdani Logic Algorithm from Digital Platform and Electronic Resource.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1028-1033.
Title: Consumer Choice of Fitness Trackers: An Example of Modeling
Authors: Oleksandr Dorokhov, Dmytro Yevstrat, Yuliia Chyrva, Oleksii Yermolenko,
Liudmyla Dorokhova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-07
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Cite :Oleksandr Dorokhov et al.(2022).Consumer Choice of Fitness Trackers: An Example of Modeling.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1034-1041.
Title: Computation Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing Frameworks and Techniques
Authors: Hesham Abusaimeh
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-08
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Cite :Hesham Abusaimeh.(2022).Computation Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing Frameworks and Techniques.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1042-1046.
Title: Influence of Social and Organizational Changes Resulting from COVID on
Teacher’s research
Authors: Iris Betzaida Pérez-Almeida, José Carlos Casas-Rosal, Carmen León-Mantero,
Alberto Analuisa-Aroca
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-09
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Cite :Iris Betzaida Pérez-Almeida et al.(2022).Influence of Social and Organizational Changes Resulting from COVID on Teacher’s research.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1047-1054.
Title: Fusion of Hand-crafted and Deep Features for Automatic Diabetic Foot Ulcer Classification
Authors: Nora Al-Garaawi, Zainab Harbi, Tim Morris
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-10
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Cite :Nora Al-Garaawi, Zainab Harbi, Tim Morris.(2022).Fusion of Hand-crafted and Deep Features for Automatic Diabetic Foot Ulcer Classification.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1055-1064.
Title: Integrating and Evaluating Helpful Features in Interactive Computer Assisted
Learning Courseware for Low Achieving Children
Authors: Siti Zulaiha Ahmad, Ariffin Abdul Mutalib
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-11
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Cite :Siti Zulaiha Ahmad, Ariffin Abdul Mutalib.(2022).Integrating and Evaluating Helpful Features in Interactive Computer Assisted Learning Courseware for Low Achieving Children.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1065-1072.
Title: System of Professional Skills in Training Managers
Authors: Anna Istomina, Marina Vinogradova, Anna Lukyanova, Lesya Bozhko, Natalia Prodanova
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-12
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Cite : Anna Istomina et al.(2022).System of Professional Skills in Training Managers.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1073-1082.
Title: Innovative Approach to Assessing Safety Culture in Enterprise Personnel
Management System
Authors: Nataliia Havlovska, Serhii Matiukh, Larysa Mykhalchyshyna, Yuliia Stavska,
Yevhenii Rudnichenko, Vadym Prytys
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-13
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Cite :Nataliia Havlovska et al.(2022).Innovative Approach to Assessing Safety Culture in Enterprise Personnel Management System.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1083-1092.
Title: Digitalization of Educational Services with Regard to Policy for Information Security
Authors: Pavel Petrov, Ivan Kuyumdzhiev, Rami Malkawi, Georgi Dimitrov, Jordan Jordanov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-14
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Cite :Pavel Petrov et al.(2022).Digitalization of Educational Services with Regard to Policy for Information Security.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1093-1102.
Title: Insights from Empirical Results on Robotics in Early Childhood Education: Lithuanian Case
Authors: Inga Zilinskiene
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-15
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Cite : Inga Zilinskiene.(2022).Insights from Empirical Results on Robotics in Early Childhood Education: Lithuanian Case.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1103-1107.
Title: Factor Analysis of Fixed Capital Investments: Regional Aspect
Authors: Nikolay Dmitriev, Andrey Zaytsev, Oleg Kichigin, Eugene Yashchenko
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-16
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Cite :Nikolay Dmitriev et al.(2022).Factor Analysis of Fixed Capital Investments: Regional Aspect.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1108-1118.
Title: Indoor Navigation Application in Shopping Mall Based on Augmented Reality (AR)
Authors: Aekarat Saeliw, Watcharasuda Hualkasin, Supattra Puttinaovarat
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-17
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Cite : Aekarat Saeliw, Watcharasuda Hualkasin, Supattra Puttinaovarat.(2022).Indoor Navigation Application in Shopping Mall Based on Augmented Reality (AR).TEM Journal, 11(3), 1119-1127.
Title: The Experience of Implementing a Digital Library in the Educational and Research Activities
of the National Defense University of Ukraine Named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
Authors: Vladyslav Kyva, Oleksandr Koshlan, Viktoriia Krykun, Liudmyla Zaika, Oleksandr Shapran,
Yevhen Sudnikov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-18
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Cite : Vladyslav Kyva et al.(2022).The Experience of Implementing a Digital Library in the Educational and Research Activities of the National Defense University of Ukraine Named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1128-1139.
Title: Factors of Dynamic Shifts in Product and Process Architectures in Large Refrigerated Trucks
Authors: Koji Masuda, Yoshie Ishii, Oke Oktavianty, Shigeyuki Haruyama
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-19
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Cite :Koji Masuda et al.(2022).Factors of Dynamic Shifts in Product and Process Architectures in Large Refrigerated Trucks.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1140-1148.
Title: Innovative Concept of Application of Electronic Modeling in Building e-Health Systems
Authors: Aneliya Manukova, Tsvetan Sokolov, Matey Marinov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-20
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Cite : Aneliya Manukova, Tsvetan Sokolov, Matey Marinov.(2022).Innovative Concept of Application of Electronic Modeling in Building e-Health Systems.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1149-1153.
Title: Geolocation-based Group Formation and its Mobile Application Prototype
Authors: Anon Sukstrienwong
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-21
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Cite :Anon Sukstrienwong.(2022).Geolocation-based Group Formation and its Mobile Application Prototype.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1154-1164.
Title: Factors Influencing Hackathon Adoption for Learning Information Technology (IT)
Programming Modules
Authors: Kayode Emmanuel Oyetade, Tranos Zuva, Anneke Harmse
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-22
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Cite :Kayode Emmanuel Oyetade et al.(2022).Factors Influencing Hackathon Adoption for Learning Information Technology (IT) Programming Modules.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1165-1171.
Title: Optimization of Sorting Processes of Partially Rotten Mango for Food Processing
with Image Processing
Authors: Sumitra Nuanmeesri, Kamonwan Tangcharoenbumrungsuk, Lap Poomhiran
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-23
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Cite : Sumitra Nuanmeesri, Kamonwan Tangcharoenbumrungsuk, Lap Poomhiran.(2022).Optimization of Sorting Processes of Partially Rotten Mango for Food Processing with Image Processing.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1172-1179.
Title: A Comparative Analysis of Tools for Presenting Cultural-historic Resources in Education
Authors: Alexandra Nikolova, Vladimir Georgiev
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-24
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Cite : Alexandra Nikolova, Vladimir Georgiev.(2022).A Comparative Analysis of Tools for Presenting Cultural-historic Resources in Education.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1180-1184.
Title: The Intelligent Silaturrahmi-Based Gamification Mechanics Model for Improving
Small and Medium Enterprise Collaboration
Authors: Fitri Marisa, Muhammad Rudiansyah, Rinto Alexandro, Novi Dian Nathasia,
Bambang Pudjoatmojo, Anastasia L Maukar
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-25
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Cite : Fitri Marisa et al.(2022).The Intelligent Silaturrahmi-Based Gamification Mechanics Model for Improving Small and Medium Enterprise Collaboration.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1185-1192.
Title: Nanotechnology Practices and Cost Restructure for Effective Cost Management under
Industry 4.0 Based Manufacturing Systems
Authors: Ahmed Maher Mohammad Ali, Sahar Mahede Jabir, Ameer Ageed Kadhim, Akeel Almagtome
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-26
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Cite : Ahmed Maher Mohammad Ali et al.(2022).Nanotechnology Practices and Cost Restructure for Effective Cost Management under Industry 4.0 Based Manufacturing Systems.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1193-1199.
Title: Using the Kinetic Magic Cursor in Education to Predict the Behavioral Intention in
Using Technology
Authors: Suryawahyuni Latief, Nadi Suprapto, Lucy Simorangkir, Santi Hendrayani, Rahmah Rahmah
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-27
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Cite : Suryawahyuni Latief et al.(2022).Using the Kinetic Magic Cursor in Education to Predict the Behavioral Intention in Using Technology.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1200-1204.
Title: Specificity of the Motivation for High-Quality Publications in Russia
Authors: Maya Lambovska, Lilia Raitskaya
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-28
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Cite : Maya Lambovska, Lilia Raitskaya.(2022).Specificity of the Motivation for High-Quality Publications in Russia.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1205-1212.
Title: Perceived Importance and Barriers to ICT Integration into Sport Management
Authors: Darko Dukić, Goran Kozina, Bojan Bodražić
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-29
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Cite : Darko Dukić, Goran Kozina, Bojan Bodražić.(2022).Perceived Importance and Barriers to ICT Integration into Sport Management.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1213-1222.
Title: On the Performance of Teaching Digitalization by Use of Linear Regression
Mathematical Method
Authors: Sajedeh Norozpour
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-30
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Cite :Sajedeh Norozpour.(2022).On the Performance of Teaching Digitalization by Use of Linear Regression Mathematical Method.TEM Journal, 11(3),1223-1228.
Title: Bibliometric Analysis of the Concept of Using Enterprise Resource Planning in the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector
Authors: Yanti Yanti, Tubagus Ismail, Imam Abu Hanifah, Munawar Muschlish
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-31
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Cite : Yanti Yanti et al.(2022).Bibliometric Analysis of the Concept of Using Enterprise Resource Planning in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1229-1234.
Title: Digital Transformation and Current Challenges of Higher Education
Authors: Bogdan Fleaca, Elena Fleaca, Sanda Maiduc
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-32
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Cite :Bogdan Fleaca, Elena Fleaca, Sanda Maiduc.(2022).Digital Transformation and Current Challenges of Higher Education.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1235-1241.
Title: Experimental Validation and Development of Decision Tree - based System for
Prediction of Service Management of Perfusors / Syringe Pump
Authors: Becir Isakovic, Zerina Masetic, Jasmin Kevric, Lejla Gurbeta, Enis Gegic
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-33
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Cite : Becir Isakovic et al.(2022).Experimental Validation and Development of Decision Tree - based System for Prediction of Service Management of Perfusors / Syringe Pump.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1242-1253.
Title: Characterization of the Territory and Estimation of a Synthetic Index of Social Welfare
Authors: María-Salomé Ochoa-Rico, Juan-Antonio Jimber-del-Río, Gino Cornejo-Marcos,
Arnaldo Vergara-Romero
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-34
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Cite :María-Salomé Ochoa-Rico et al.(2022).Characterization of the Territory and Estimation of a Synthetic Index of Social Welfare.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1254-1264.
Title: Assessment of the Effect of Personal and Familial Characteristics on Students’ Attitudes
Towards Writing on Paper and Digital Writing
Authors: Palavan Özcan, Ahmet Guneyli, Gemalmaz Necati, Karabacak Esra Havva
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-35
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Cite :Palavan Özcan et al.(2022).Assessment of the Effect of Personal and Familial Characteristics on Students’ Attitudes Towards Writing on Paper and Digital Writing.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1265-1274.
Title: Comparison of the Results of Various Methodologies for Evaluating the Ergonomic Workload
of a Worker During the Performance of a Work Task
Authors: Naqib Daneshjo, Albert Mareš, Peter Malega, Jakub Kóňa, Michal Jankovič
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-36
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Cite :Naqib Daneshjo et al.(2022).Comparison of the Results of Various Methodologies for Evaluating the Ergonomic Workload of a Worker During the Performance of a Work Task.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1275-1281.
Title: E-Voting: Technology Requirements Mapping
Authors: Slamet Risnanto, Yahaya Abd Rahim, Othman Mohd, Abdurrohman Abdurrohman
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-37
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Cite :Slamet Risnanto et al.(2022).E-Voting: Technology Requirements Mapping.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1282-1290.
Title: Marketing Management in Retail in the Context of the Growing Trend of Electric Vehicles
Authors: Lucia Maličková, Matuš Dzuro, Barbara Barilová, Rastislav Lauko
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-38
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Cite : Lucia Maličková et al.(2022).Marketing Management in Retail in the Context of the Growing Trend of Electric Vehicles.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1291_1299.
Title: Profitability Management: How Can Macro and Microeconomic Determinants Influence
Commercial Bank Profitability in the EU-27?
Authors: Petra Jílková, Jana Kotěšovcová
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-39
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Cite : Petra Jílková, Jana Kotěšovcová.(2022).Profitability Management: How Can Macro and Microeconomic Determinants Influence Commercial Bank Profitability in the EU-27?.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1300-1307.
Title: AI-Enabled Marketing Solutions in Marketing Decision Making: AI Application in
Different Stages of Marketing Process
Authors: Nikolina Ljepava
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-40
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Cite :Nikolina Ljepava.(2022).AI-Enabled Marketing Solutions in Marketing Decision Making: AI Application in Different Stages of Marketing Process.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1308-1315.
Title: Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 using Multimodal Fusion Neural Networks
Authors: Ermatita Ermatita, Abdiansah Abdiansah, Dian Palupi Rini, Fatmalina Febry
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-41
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Cite :Ermatita Ermatita et al.(2022).Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 using Multimodal Fusion Neural Networks.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1316-1321.
Title: Developing Interactive Design for Educating Childhood Cancer Awareness
Authors: Zurina Muda, Husna Sari Abdul Rashid
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-42
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Cite : Zurina Muda, Husna Sari Abdul Rashid.(2022).Developing Interactive Design for Educating Childhood Cancer Awareness.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1322-1330.
Title: Convolutional Neural Network as an Image Processing Technique for Classification of
Bacilli Tuberculosis Extra Pulmonary (TBEP) Disease
Authors: Bob Subhan Riza, Jufriadif Na’am, S Sumijan
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-43
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Cite :Bob Subhan Riza, Jufriadif Na’am, S Sumijan.(2022).Convolutional Neural Network as an Image Processing Technique for Classification of Bacilli Tuberculosis Extra Pulmonary (TBEP) Disease.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1331-1340.
Title: A Decision Model to Predict the Selection of Education Streams – A Case Study for
Trang Province, Thailand
Authors: Bunjira Makond
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-44
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Cite :Bunjira Makond.(2022).A Decision Model to Predict the Selection of Education Streams – A Case Study for Trang Province, Thailand.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1341-1351.
Title: Analysis of Four Coils by Inductive Powering Links for Powering Bio-implantable Sensor
Authors: Mokhalad Alghrairi, Nasri Sulaiman, Wan Zuha Wan Hasan, Haslina Jaafar, Saad Mutashar
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-45
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Cite : Mokhalad Alghrairi et al.(2022).Analysis of Four Coils by Inductive Powering Links for Powering Bio-implantable Sensor.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1352-1356.
Title: Digital Learning Research in the Last 30 Years: Important Role of Interactive Learning in Physics
Authors: Binar Kurnia Prahani, Mila Candra Pristianti, Budi Jatmiko, Tan Amelia, Firmanul Catur Wibowo
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-46
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Cite : Binar Kurnia Prahani et al.(2022).Digital Learning Research in the Last 30 Years: Important Role of Interactive Learning in Physics.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1357-1363.
Title: Comparative Study of DC/AC Inverter Control Techniques for Three Phase Grid
Connected PV System
Authors: Baqer Saleh Mahdi, Mohammad Ali Al-fadheeli, Nasri bin Sulaiman, Hashim bin Hizam,
Suhaidi bin Shafie, Mohanad Abd Shehab
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-47
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Cite :Baqer Saleh Mahdi et al.(2022).Comparative Study of DC/AC Inverter Control Techniques for Three Phase Grid Connected PV System.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1364-1375.
Title: What Makes Public Sector Innovation Sustainable?: A Case Study from Indonesia
Authors: Slamet Widodo, Zailani Surya Marpaung, Anang Dwi Santoso, Mohammad Ali Al-fadheeli,
Nasri bin Sulaiman, Hashim bin Hizam, Suhaidi bin Shafie, Mohanad Abd Shehab
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-48
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Cite : Slamet Widodo et al.(2022).What Makes Public Sector Innovation Sustainable?: A Case Study from Indonesia.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1376-1384.
Title: Mathematical Skills Demand for Financial Decision Making in Companies
Authors: Liduvina Valencia-Márquez, Milka E. Escalera-Chávez, Elena Moreno-García
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-49
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Cite :Liduvina Valencia-Márquez, Milka E. Escalera-Chávez, Elena Moreno-García.(2022).Mathematical Skills Demand for Financial Decision Making in Companies.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1385-1390.
Title: Characterizations of Students' Metacognition in Solving Geometry Problems through
Positioning Group Work
Authors: Frenza Fairuz Firmansyah, Cholis Sa’dijah, Subanji Subanji, Abd. Qohar
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-50
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Cite : Frenza Fairuz Firmansyah et al.(2022).Characterizations of Students' Metacognition in Solving Geometry Problems through Positioning Group Work.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1391-1398.
Title: Association Rules Mining Regarding the Value of Business Intelligence Solutions
Authors: Petr Havel, Manomeet Gupta, Athanasios Podaras
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-51
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Cite : Petr Havel, Manomeet Gupta, Athanasios Podaras.(2022).Association Rules Mining Regarding the Value of Business Intelligence Solutions.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1399-1405
Title: Age Classification of Moviegoers Based on Facial Image Using Deep Learning
Authors: Abba Suganda Girsang, Dewa Bagus Gde Khrisna Jayanta Nugraha
DOI: 10.18421/TEM113-52
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Cite : Abba Suganda Girsang, Dewa Bagus Gde Khrisna Jayanta Nugraha.(2022).Age Classification of Moviegoers Based on Facial Image Using Deep Learning.TEM Journal, 11(3), 1406-1415.