TEM Journal

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University of Regensburg

University Library of Regensburg  


Tem Journal!  





This research was based on the latest achievements in the development of energy technologies, such as: efficiency, energy saving, ecology and flexibility. The study used data from the measurements of external temperature for the city of Bitola in the period 1996 - 2010 year. The research covers a range of activities: assessment of the required heat consumption and defining the curve thermal load under ambient conditions of Bitola. The analysis of the research is based on the calculation and assessment of the required heat for heating curve according to the outside temperature. It is the basis for defining the mode of operation of a plant for production of thermal energy.

Keywords – outside temperature, heat consumption, curve, heat, coefficient of heating.


Suzana Zikovska, Slave Armenski.(2015).Mode of getting Thermal Energy Depending of the Average Outside Temperature on the City of Bitola.TEM Journal, 4(4), 382-387.


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