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University of Regensburg

University Library of Regensburg  


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Title: Getting of Industrial Water for Steam Boilers with Treatment of Drinking

            Water from the Spring "Studencica".

Authors: Gorica Pavlovska, Vezirka Jankuloska, Bratica Temelkoska


The drinking water from the source Studenčica contains a high percentage of dissolved mineral salts and can not be used for the operation of steam boilers.It is therefore necessary this water to bephysically and chemically treated.Physical treatment consistsofthe removal of mechanical impurities by means of sand filters, and chemical treatment is consisted of two different procedures: decarbonation and demineralization. Decarbonation is performed in quick concrete reactor - accelerator with a solution of Ca(OH)2 and FeCl3, and demineralization is performed using ion modifiers.

Keywords –industrial water, drinking water, steam boilers, treatment.


Gorica Pavlovska, Vezirka Jankuloska, Bratica Temelkoska.(2015).Getting of Industrial Water for Steam Boilers with Treatment of Drinking Water from the Spring "Studenčica".TEM Journal, 4(3), 281-286.


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