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University of Regensburg

University Library of Regensburg  


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Title: DEPONTO: A Reusable Dependability Domain Ontology

Authors: Teodora Sanislav


This paper proposes a dependability reusable ontology for knowledge representation. The fundamental knowledge related to dependability follows its taxonomy. Thus, this paper gives an analysis of what is the dependability domain ontology andof its components.The dependability domain ontology plays an important role in ensuring the dependability of information systems by providing support for their diagnosis in case of faults, errors and failures.The proposed ontology is used as a dependability framework in two case study Cyber-Physical Systemswhich demonstrate its reusability within this category of systems.

Keywords – Ontology, Dependability, Knowledge representation, Cyber-Physical Systems.


Teodora Sanislav.(2015). DEPONTO: A Reusable Dependability Domain Ontology.TEM Journal, 4(3), 223-228.


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